
Welcome to LOVE™ – a socially driven marketplace for love and wellness. At, Inc. you can find answers to healing focused on your physical and mental wellbeing while shopping for products to help you on your journey to healing in an engaging, meaningful, and authentically ‘you’ way.

Capitalized terms have the meanings given to them in the Terms or this Policy. If there is any conflict between this Policy and the Terms, this Policy shall prevail.

As recently as March 2023, the World Health Organization estimated that there are more than one billion people living with disabilities, with over 100 million persons having significant difficulties in functioning (for more information, see

An inclusive web experience is important for people with disabilities, and is committed to digital accessibility and inclusion. To that end, is working to make its Platform and contents substantially meet WCAG 2.1 Level A. We review our Platform architecture for accessibility issues, leverage authoring tools to ensure content is accessible, and routines consult with individuals for feedback regarding their experience on our Platform. We are consistently looking to increase our level of accessibility compliance.

Lastly, when you select certain links from our Platform, you may be directed to a website or see content managed or offered by a third-party (defined as “Third-Party Services” in the Terms). While we want Third-Party Services to afford the same accessibility features as we do on our Platform, we cannot guarantee that Third-Party Services will meet accessibility requirements.

We want to hear from you if you encounter any accessibility barriers on our Platform.’s mission is to create more space for love in the world and that includes inclusive development and product access.

If you need assistance, or, if you have any questions, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator, at
